Vera Serial Interface Program

Vera Serial Interface Program Rating: 8,9/10 8688 votes

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This plugin is no longer supported or maintained but is still available in our. It was useful when Indigo didn't support Z-Wave Locks directly, and still might be useful for users transitioning from Vera to Indigo. So, if you're a switcher you can keep the following device types connected to your Vera while transitioning them to direct Indigo control: on/off devices (relay), dimmers, and thermostats.

You will also be able to control locks and execute Vera scenes from Indigo. All other device types will need to be moved to direct Indigo control. We have no plans to expand the supported device type list - see the section below for details. This plugin is meant as a supported replacement for the Vera plugin that's in the File Library though it is more limited in scope than that one. This plugin is a complete redesign and rewrite so the performance issues of that plugin should not be duplicated.

Configuring the Plugin. When you first enable the plugin (select the Plugins→Vera Bridge→Enable menu item) or select the Plugins→Vera Bridge→Configure menu item, you will see the Configure Vera Bridge dialog: In this dialog you'll enter the IP address (or hostname) of your Vera and enter the port (though for most everyone the default of 3480 will be fine). There's also an option to enable thread debugging: you really only want to do this if instructed by someone from Indigo Support - enabling it then toggling debugging will very quickly fill up your event log with relatively useless information. Adding Devices. Once created, all devices behave as you would expect.

Locks are implemented as a standard On/Off device. On means locked, Off means unlocked. You use the same standard controls for a lock that you use for an On/Off device. The lock device will show it's battery-level in the Device Details tile (as will any thermostat that's battery powered).

Serial Interface Software

Performing a Status Request on any device will actually instruct the plugin to refresh the status of all devices. This happens because of how the Vera API provides updates. We have to poll the Vera for device updates and it's hard-coded to poll every 3 seconds so as to not completely overwhelm your network.

Serial Interface Definition

Most polls will only ask for any changes since the last update so the returned data is small, but when you do a status refresh we will ask for a full update with every device and state. Running Scenes. There are several performance issues with the Vera that you should be aware of. First, Lock devices are relatively slow. In our testing, the Vera Lite controlled locks usually take 3-4 seconds to respond to a command when it's issued from the Vera UI, and the UI updates a second or two after that. Second, we often don't see state changes through the API very quickly. Often times the update for a lock change will come as long as 18 seconds later (again with the locks, right?).

There doesn't appear to be anything we can do about this unfortunately. Fortunately, on/off devices and dimmers seem to respond to commands much faster and if there are no lock changes their status changes come through at a reasonable rate. We've done quite a bit of work trying to optimize the performance of the plugin, and it's performance may vary because of other issues as well, but we think the solution is usable given the primary tasks it was created to handle.

Converting from the old Vera plugin. As we mentioned above, this plugin is meant to replace the now abandoned 3rd party plugin for most users using that plugin. Converting devices is simple: once you've enabled the plugin and pointed it at your Vera, double click a device created by the old plugin in the device list, switch the type to Vera Bridge and the Synchronize Vera Device dialog should automatically popup (if not just click the Define and Sync button). Select the appropriate device in the Vera Device popup and click Sync. Vera vs Serial Interface. We can create easy to understand UI for special configuration options for the more popular Z-Wave devices.


All of these factors, combined, mean that the overall Indigo experience is significantly better and makes the UI significantly easier to use than the Vera. And ease of use and speed is why you wanted to use Indigo in the first place, right?;) So, how exactly does it work then?

It's actually rather simple: Z-Wave networks require one primary controller - which has it's own unique network id. When a device is included by the primary controller, it is assigned a unique node id and given the network ID. So, when using both Indigo/serial interface and the Vera, you're creating two distinct Z-Wave networks.

Vera Serial Interface Programming

One is managed by Indigo/serial interface and the other is managed by the Vera (and Indigo is just a 3rd party controller). Having two different Z-Wave networks in the same physical location is not a problem - a device is either on one network or the other and they won't get confused or interfere with each other. In fact, for large Z-Wave networks (over 232 devices) it is the only way it can work. So, bottom line: using Vera to control locks or other simple devices while Indigo's Z-Wave network does everything else (through the serial interface) will not cause any issues but we recommend migrating your devices over to Indigo for optimal performance and reliability. As stated above, we have no plans to add more device types to the Vera Bridge plugin because we believe that it is a significantly better experience to have Indigo directly control devices.

Scripting Support.