Meal Allowance For Truck Drivers In Ontario

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(.) When Can You Claim Entertainment and Meal Expenses? People can claim food, beverage and entertainment expenses when these expenses are incurred for the purpose of earning from a business or property.) What Is the 50 Percent Rule? 'The maximum amount you can claim for food, beverages, and entertainment expenses is 50% of either the amount you incur or an amount that is reasonable in the circumstances, whichever is less' (author's bolding) according to the (CRA). This 50 percent limit applies even when the amounts spent on food, beverages or entertainment are:. otherwise deductible as expenses;. capitalized (for instance, included in the cost of land or depreciable property); or.

included, expenditures, exploration and development expenses, or other costs. What About Taxes and Tips?

Income tax-wise, taxes and tips are included in the cost of food and beverages and are also subject to the 50 percent rule. So if, for instance, you treated a client to lunch at a restaurant and the bill was: $40 food $5.20 (Ontario – 13%) To which you add a $6 tip, the entire amount of $51.20 is subject to the 50 percent rule and you can claim $25.60 as a business expense. You can Claim 100 Percent of Your Entertainment and Meal Expenses If: 1) You bill your client or customer for the meal and entertainment costs, and show these costs on the bill. The Canada Revenue Agency says, 'For example, a self-employed individual expends a reasonable amount for meals while away from home. This amount is ultimately billed to a client and is identified in the account submitted to the client as an expense relating to meals. The self-employed individual would be entitled to fully deduct the meal expenses.

The 50% limitation would, however, apply to the client.' 2) You are travelling by plane, train or bus and the cost of meals, beverages and entertainment is included in the travel fee.

It's a different case if you’re travelling by ship, boat or ferry, though; in that case, you can only claim 50 percent of any food, beverages and/or entertainment. 3) You include the amount of the entertainment and meal expenses in an employee's income or would include them if the employee did not work at a remote or special work location. 4) You incur meal and entertainment expenses for a or similar event, and you invite all your employees from a particular location. Note that the event doesn’t have to be held at your place of business; if you at a restaurant, rented hall or other location, you can still deduct 100 percent of your food and entertainment expenses. However, the guest list has to be democratic. If, for instance, your party or event is only available to owners, managers or and/or selected employees, your expense deductions are limited to 50 percent.

Note, too, that you can only claim expenses for six such events a year. 5) You incur meal and entertainment expenses for a fund-raising event that was mainly for the benefit of a registered charity. But be cautious; you can only claim 100 percent of these expenses if the event is a fund-raising event, not if the event is 'part of the regular activities of a registered charity to accomplish its objectives'. What About Conventions and Seminars? 1) The first thing you need to know about food and beverage expenses related to conventions and seminars you attend for business purposes is that incidental food and beverages don’t count.

In other words, you don’t get to claim the cost of the doughnuts, muffins, juice, coffee or any other “incidental” food or beverage provided to you. 2) The second is that if you attend a convention, conference or seminar where you are provided with meals or entertainment, and no amount of the fee you pay is specifically allocated to the costs of those food, meals or entertainment, you must claim $50 a day as an entertainment and meal expense – but this is subject to the 50 percent limit, so in reality, you can only claim half of this amount, or $25, each day.

And note that “the fee for the conference, convention, seminar or similar event is deemed to be the actual fee paid or payable minus the amount deemed to have been paid or payable for food, beverages and entertainment” (CRA) – meaning that your food and entertainment claim has to be deducted from the conference fee. For example, suppose you pay $1,200 to attend a two day business management conference. There’s no specific reference to the cost of food or entertainment in your registration fee, but you are provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. To claim your for the conference, you need to deduct $50 deemed to be paid for food, beverages and entertainment each day from the conference fee: $1,200 – $100 = $1,100 In addition, you can claim 50 percent of the $100 as a meal and entertainment expense ($50). $ 1,100 + $50 = $1,150 - your maximum deduction for the conference expense. 3) The third thing you need to know about expenses related to conferences and seminars is that you can only claim expenses for two a year. Some Businesses Have Special Entertainment and Meal Deduction Rules Businesses that regularly provide food, beverages or entertainment for compensation, such as restaurants or hotels, are exempt from the 50 percent rule and can claim 100% deductions for such expenses.

(Note though, that this exemption only applies to food, beverages and entertainment supplied in the regular course of doing business. For example, if you run a winery and take a customer out to lunch, you could only claim 50 percent of your meal expenses.) Long-haul truckers can claim 80% of the food and beverages they consume during eligible travel periods (a period of at least 24 continuous hours away from where they live and transporting goods at least 160 kilometres away). Self-employed foot and bicycle couriers and rickshaw drivers can claim 100% of the extra food and beverages they need to consume in a normal eight hour work day (or, for 2006 and later tax years, a daily flat rate of $17.50). What Counts as Entertainment? All kinds of things.

The Income Tax Act includes amusement, recreation and the “enjoyment of entertainment” as entertainment. Some expenses that would qualify as entertainment expenses are obvious – the costs of tickets for performances or sporting events, or the cost of renting a hospitality suite. Some are less obvious but still claimable, such as the cost of providing a security escort or a tour guide for a business client.

All are subject to the 50 percent rule, including related expenses such as taxes, tips and cover charges as explained previously in the Taxes and Tips section of this article. All such expenses need to be completely documented so you can prove that the expense was directly related to earning income. The Canada Revenue Agency recommends that; 'Records should be maintained of the names and business addresses of the customers or other persons being entertained, together with the relevant places, dates, times and amounts supported by such vouchers as are reasonably obtainable.'

Truck Drivers Meal Allowance 2018

For more information on Food, Beverages and Entertainment Expenses see the Canada Revenue Agency's. You may also wish to refer to their.


How to Claim Meals and Entertainment Expenses If you are operating your business as a or, claiming your is part of as part of your T1 income tax return. For more on income tax for Canadian sole proprietors and partnerships see:. If you are operating your business as a, you will claim meals and entertainment expenses under operating expenses (8523) when you are using the (GIFI) to complete your on your T2. For more see:.