What Every Leader Needs To Know About Followers Pdf Free

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsMaslow grouped human needs into five hierarchical categories, typically depicted as a pyramid. At the bottom are the most fundamental, physiological needs, such as hunger and pain avoidance. The next level up is the need to feel safe, for example, from physical harm or illness. Social needs are above that, generally stated as a need to feel accepted by others. Self-image needs - such as a need for self-respect and also the respect of one's peers - occupy the next level.

Finally, the top level is self-actualization, or those needs that deal with personal growth and development. Practical ApplicationMaslow’s hierarchy of needs can help leaders hone their styles to suit the needs of their followers. In most situations, business leaders don’t have to worry about the most basic needs like hunger and thirst, unless employee wages are so low or their individual financial situation so precarious that those concerns are paramount in the minds of your workforce. But on the next level up, helping improve worker safety, for example, fulfills important needs. On the level above that, promoting cooperation fulfills social needs, as does letting an employee know she is integral to the company's mission. Then, when a leader has done all she can to meet the needs of the lower levels, she can commit to fostering personal development. Career guidance, for instance, helps employees meet their potential, as does empowering them by offering increased responsibility and authority.

What Every Leader Needs To Know About Followers Pdf Free Download


Role ModelsLeaders tend to self-actualize more than non-leaders, according to the book “The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research and Managerial Applications,” by Bernard M. Bass and Ruth Bass. In other words, in their own lives, leaders tend to focus on the upper, or more mature, needs as laid out in Maslow’s hierarchy. The fact that leaders drive themselves to fulfill their potential makes them effective role models, especially in business, where an owner can set the tone of the entire organization by demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to the business’ objectives.

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